Hyderabad: Bigg Boss 8 Telugu Contestants The much-anticipated, highly polarizing reality spectacle, Bigg Boss Telugu 8, is gearing up to set the stage ablaze once more. Enthusiasts of the series can hardly contain their enthusiasm as a new roster of participants prepares to step into the infamous house. The countdown to the grand premiere is officially underway, sparking palpable excitement.
This iteration of the show vows to be as electrifying and capricious as its predecessors, boasting a compelling ensemble of 14 contestants who are all set to navigate the labyrinth of drama and conflict that has come to define the show’s appeal.
Here’s a sneak peek into the lineup of contestants poised to captivate the audience this season:
Bigg Boss Telugu 8 Contestants Roster:
- Vishnupriya Bhimineni
- Shekar Basha
- Bezawada Bebakka
- Nainika
- Vismaya Sri
- Aditya Om
- Model Ravi Teja
- Director Parameshwar
- Khayyum Ali
- Soumya Rao
- Singer Saketh
- Anjali Pavan
- Abhinav Naveen
- Abhiram Varma
Premiere Details and Host: Bigg Boss 8 Telugu Contestants
Bigg Boss Telugu 8 is slated to make its grand debut on September 1, 2024, on the Star Maa network. For digital aficionados, each episode will also be accessible on the Disney+ Hotstar platform.
Heightening the anticipation, the iconic Akkineni Nagarjuna returns as the show’s host for the fifth consecutive season. The seasoned actor’s magnetic presence is rumored to come with a staggering paycheck of Rs 30 crore for his role this season.
With such an illustrious assembly of contestants and Nagarjuna’s charismatic stewardship, Bigg Boss Telugu 8 is poised to deliver yet another season brimming with unforgettable moments. Fans are eagerly awaiting the inevitable drama, formidable challenges, and unparalleled entertainment that only Bigg Boss can curate.