Word of the Day: Ostensible


In the diverse realm of language, each word holds its unique place and purpose. This word, pronounced as /ɒˈstɛnsɪbl/, invites us to explore the surface appearance and the hidden truths.


Ostensible /ɒˈstɛnsɪbl/ adjective

Defining “Ostensible”:

“Ostensible” is an adjective that describes something that appears to be true or real on the surface but may not necessarily be so in reality. It refers to things that are evident, apparent, or conspicuous, but there might be hidden motives, facts, or complexities underneath.

The Art of Deception:

“Ostensible” often implies a level of deception or misdirection. It’s used when there’s a contrast between what is seemingly true and what lies beneath the surface. For example, an “ostensible friendship” might appear genuine at first but may hide ulterior motives.

Unveiling the True Nature:

This word encourages us to look beyond appearances and question what might be concealed. It prompts us to consider that not everything is as it seems and that deeper investigation may reveal hidden truths.

Everyday Usage:

In everyday language, we might use “ostensible” when discussing political promises, where an action or policy might have an ostensible purpose that differs from its actual consequences. Or in personal relationships, we might talk about someone’s ostensible intentions when their true motivations are unclear.

A Reminder to Scrutinize:

“ostensible” fills in as an update that appearances can be deluding, and being knowing and basic thinkers is fundamental. It urges us to dig underneath the surface to reveal the real factors that probably won’t be promptly evident. 
All in all, “ostensible” is a word that welcomes us to start to expose what’s underneath and investigate the more profound layers of truth. It’s an update that not all things are pretty much as direct as they show up and urges us to be careful as we continue looking for understanding. In this way, when you experience “ostensible,” let it be brief to address and look for the secret real factors underneath the veneer of ostensible insights.
.  Word of the Day: tedious

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