POWER BI Hierarchies And Drilldown Reports – PART-5


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Hierarchies And Drilldown Reports

Practical Work: Hierarchies and drill-down options
are essential for interactive reports. Here’s how to practically work with
these elements:

Define hierarchies to organize data into
structured levels for better analysis.

Implement drill-down options to allow users to
explore data at different levels of granularity within a report.

Hierarchy Levels and Drill Modes – Usage

Practical Work: Understanding hierarchy levels and
drill modes is crucial for report design. Here’s how to practically use them:

Create hierarchy levels to represent data

Specify drill modes to determine how users can
navigate through hierarchy levels for deeper insights.

Drill-thru Options with TreeMap and Pie Chart

Practical Work: Drill-through options enhance user
navigation. Here’s how to practically implement drill-through with tree maps
and pie charts:

Configure drill-through options to enable users to
access more detailed data when interacting with tree maps and pie charts.

Utilize this feature to provide a seamless user
experience when exploring data.

Higher Levels and Next Level Navigation Options

Practical Work: Higher levels and next-level
navigation improve data exploration. Here’s how to practically implement these

Allow users to navigate to higher levels of data
to see summaries or aggregates.

Provide next-level navigation options to delve
deeper into data for more detailed analysis.

Aggregates with Bottom/Up Navigations. Rules

Practical Work: Aggregates and bottom-up
navigation are useful for summary views. Here’s how to practically work with
them and understand the rules:

Create aggregates to summarize data at higher
hierarchy levels.

Implement bottom-up navigation to switch between
detailed and summarized views based on user preferences.

Follow specific rules for data aggregation and
navigation to maintain data consistency.

Multi-Field Aggregations and Hierarchies in Power

Practical Work: Multi-field aggregations and
hierarchies offer more comprehensive insights. Here’s how to practically use
these features:

Combine multiple fields to create complex
aggregations for in-depth analysis.

Leverage hierarchies to organize data into
multi-level structures for a holistic view of information.


Practical Work: Understanding drill down, showing the next level, and expanding to next level actions enhance interactivity. Here’s how
to practically use these actions:

Implement drill-down actions to allow users to
explore more detailed data by clicking on specific elements.

Utilize show next-level actions to display the next
level of hierarchy in a structured manner.

Use expand to next-level actions for interactive
navigation, enabling users to expand hierarchies as needed.

SEE DATA and SEE RECORDS Options. Differences

Practical Work: SEE DATA and SEE RECORDS options
provide insights into data. Here’s how to practically use these options and understand
their differences:

Implement SEE DATA options to allow users to view
summarized data.

Use SEE RECORDS options to enable users to access
detailed data records.

Differentiate between these options to ensure the
appropriate level of data visibility in reports.

Toggle Options with Tabular Data. Filters

Practical Work: Toggle options and filters enhance
report usability. Here’s how to practically implement them:

Add toggle options to allow users to switch
between different views or data sets within tabular data.

Implement filters to enable users to refine data
within tables for specific criteria.

Drilldown Buttons and Mouse Hover Options @ Visuals

Practical Work: Drilldown buttons and mouse hover
options improve data exploration. Here’s how to practically work with these

Add drill-down buttons to visuals to provide a
straightforward way for users to explore more detailed data.

Utilize mouse hover options to display additional
information or tooltips when users interact with visual elements.

Dependant Aggregations, Independent Aggregations

Practical Work: Dependent and independent
aggregations offer flexibility in report design. Here’s how to practically work
with them:

Create dependent aggregations that rely on
specific criteria or hierarchies.

Implement independent aggregations that can
function autonomously without external dependencies.

Automated Records Selection with Tabular Data

Practical Work: Automating record selection
streamlines data analysis. Here’s how to practically work with automated record
selection within tabular data:

Configure automated record selection to preselect
data records based on predefined criteria.

Improve user experience and report efficiency by
automating the initial data selection process.

Report Parameters: Creation and Data Type

Practical Work: Report parameters enhance
interactivity and customization. Here’s how to practically create them and
define their data types:

Create report parameters to allow users to
customize their report experience.

Define the data types for parameters to ensure
data compatibility and accuracy.

Available Values and Default Values. Member Values

Practical Work: Setting available and default
values for parameters provides user guidance. Here’s how to practically
configure these options and work with member values:

Specify available values for parameters to limit
user choices to predefined options.

Set default values to preselect options for a
smoother user experience.

Utilize member values for parameters that
represent hierarchical or multi-level data.

Parameters for Column Data and Table / Query

Practical Work: Parameters can be applied to
column data and table/query filters for dynamic reporting. Here’s how to
practically work with parameters in these contexts:

Apply parameters to column data to allow users to
filter or select specific columns dynamically.

Use parameters to filter tables or queries,
providing users with interactive control over data subsets.

Parameters Creation – Query Mode, UI Option

Practical Work: Parameters can be created in
different modes and with various user interface (UI) options. Here’s how to
practically create parameters considering query mode and UI options:

Create parameters in query mode to directly
interact with data sources and queries.

Customize the parameter UI options to align with
the report’s design and user preferences.

Linking Parameters to Query Columns – Options

Practical Work: Linking parameters to query
columns enables dynamic filtering. Here’s how to practically link parameters to
query columns and explore available options:

Establish connections between parameters and query
columns to enable dynamic filtering based on user selections.

Explore the available linking options to ensure
parameters and query columns are synchronized effectively.

Edit Query Options and Parameter Manage Entries

Practical Work: Editing query options and managing
parameter entries streamline data retrieval. Here’s how to practically work
with these options:

Edit query options to fine-tune data retrieval and
transformation steps for optimal report performance.

Manage parameter entries to maintain data
consistency and accuracy in reports.

Connection Parameters and Dynamic Data Sources

Practical Work: Connection parameters and dynamic
data sources offer flexibility in report design. Here’s how to practically use
these features:

Configure connection parameters to adapt data
source connections based on varying requirements.

Utilize dynamic data sources to keep reports
up-to-date with changing data.

                    POWER BI – Power Query & M Language – PART – 6

Synonyms – Creation and Usage Options

Practical Work: Synonyms improve report
readability and usability. Here’s how to practically create synonyms and
explore their usage options:

Create synonyms to provide alternative names or
descriptions for report elements.

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