Chandrayaan-3 Important Quiz Questions


India has cut a critical specialty for itself with its Chandrayaan missions. Chandrayaan-3, the furthest down-the-line expansion to this lofty series, demonstrates India’s ability in the field of lunar investigation.
Chandrayaan-3 Important Quiz Questions

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Chandrayaan-3 Imp Quiz Questions 

1. What is the primary objective of Chandrayaan 3?
A) To study Mars’ geology
B) To explore Jupiter’s atmosphere
C) To further our understanding of the Moon’s geology, mineralogy, and topography
D) To search for water on Mercury
Answer: C) To further our understanding of the Moon’s geology, mineralogy, and topography
2. Who is responsible for Chandrayaan 3’s mission?
B) European Space Agency (ESA)
C) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
D) Roscosmos
Answer: C) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
3. What was the launch date of Chandrayaan 3?
A) 14-07-2023
B) 15-07-2023
C) 16-07-2023
D) 17-07-2023
Answer: A) 14-07-2023
4. What are the key instruments on Chandrayaan 3?
A) Telescopes and binoculars
B) Microscopes and spectrometers
C) Cameras and spectrometers
D) Gravitational wave detectors
Answer: C) Cameras and spectrometers

5. How does Chandrayaan 3 communicate with Earth during its mission?
A) Smoke signals
B) Telepathy
C) Combination of antennas and relay satellites
D) Tin can phones
Answer: C) Combination of antennas and relay satellites
6. What challenges did Chandrayaan 3 face during its mission?
A) Finding parking space on the Moon
B) Harsh lunar environment, extreme temperatures, and precise landing and navigation
C) Solar flares from the Sun
D) Running out of fuel
Answer: B) Harsh lunar environment, extreme temperatures, and precise landing and navigation
7. What are the expected discoveries from Chandrayaan 3?
A) Ancient alien artifacts
B) Valuable minerals for commercial exploitation
C) Insights into the Moon’s history, evolution, and resources
D) Evidence of lunar dinosaurs
Answer: C) Insights into the Moon’s history, evolution, and resources
8. Is Chandrayaan 3 a continuation of Chandrayaan 2?
A) Yes
B) No
Answer: B) No
9. What is ISRO’s vision for future lunar exploration?
A) To establish a lunar colony
B) To build a space station on the Moon
C) To continue lunar exploration with more ambitious missions
D) To mine lunar cheese
Answer: C) To continue lunar exploration with more ambitious missions

10. Why is Chandrayaan 3 significant?
A) Because it’s the first mission to explore Mars
B) Because it’s the second mission to the Moon
C) Because it represents India’s commitment to space exploration and aims to build upon the data gathered by its predecessors
D) Because it’s a secret military mission
Answer: C) Because it represents India’s commitment to space exploration and aims to build upon the data gathered by its predecessors

Chandrayaan-3 Launch Center

Satish Dhawan Space Centre Takes the Helm
The journey of Chandrayaan-3 embarked from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. This launch center, Located on India’s east coast, played an important role in setting the stage for the mission.

The Mighty GSLV Launcher

Propelling Chandrayaan-3 to New Heights
To catapult Chandrayaan-3 into its lunar odyssey, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) was entrusted with the task. This powerful launcher would carry the mission’s hopes and aspirations to the moon.

Propulsion Module Mass

A Weighty Matter
The propulsion module of Chandrayaan-3 weighed in at 2148 kg, a substantial mass necessary for the mission’s intricate maneuvers.

Lander and Rover Mission Life

A Brief Sojourn on the Lunar Surface
The Lander and Rover of Chandrayaan-3 had a mission life of one lunar day, equivalent to 14 Earth days. In this brief span, they conducted vital experiments and collected data.

The Lander Named Vikram

Continuing the Legacy
Continuing the tradition set by Chandrayaan-2, the Lander for Chandrayaan-3 retained the name Vikram, a symbol of India’s commitment to lunar exploration.

Aiming for the Moon’s South Pole

Precise Lunar Targeting
Chandrayaan-3 strongly aimed for a soft landing on the moon’s south pole, a region of great scientific interest due to its unique geological features of the moon.

Launch Date

A Date to Remember
Chandrayaan-3 embarked on its journey on 14 July 2023, marking a significant milestone in India’s space exploration endeavors.

Unique Landing Feature

Distinctive Among Lunar Missions
What separates Chandrayaan-3 is its central goal to arrive on the moon’s south pole, an accomplishment that recognizes it from other lunar missions led by various countries.

Lander Separation Date

A Momentous Step
The Lander was successfully separated from the Propulsion Module on 17th August 2023, signifying a critical phase in the mission.

De-boosting Maneuver

Precise Orbital Adjustment
The spacecraft executed its second de-boosting maneuver on 19th August 2023, ensuring its trajectory aligned with the mission’s objectives.

ISTRAC’s Location

Tracking the Journey
The ISRO Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Network (ISTRAC), instrumental in monitoring Chandrayaan-3, is situated in Bengaluru.

Purpose of July 25th Maneuver

Orbit-Raising for Success
The maneuver performed on 25 July 2023 had the specific purpose of raising the mission’s orbit to ensure a successful lunar landing.

Mission Director

Guiding the Journey
Ritu Kharidhal, a prominent scientist at ISRO, took the helm as the director of the Chandrayaan-3 mission, steering it towards success.

Chandrayaan-3’s Total Weight

Balancing Act in Space
The total weight of Chandrayaan-3 stood at 3,900 kg, encompassing the propulsion module, lander, and rover.

Mission Cost

An Economic Endeavor
Chandrayaan-3 was a cost-effective mission, with a budget of 600 crore, making it more economical than its predecessor, Chandrayaan-2.

Laser Doppler Velocimeter

Advanced Technology on Board
Chandrayaan-3 presented the Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) innovation, giving high-level abilities to logical information assortment.

India’s Lunar Landing Achievement

Joining the Lunar Elite
India achieved a basic accomplishment by transforming into the fourth country to really land a rocket on the moon, going in the steps of the US, Russia, and China.
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In light of everything, Chandrayaan-3 is a striking appearing of India’s commitment to lunar assessment. With its clever features, serious gathering, and pragmatic technique, it has prepared it for extra types of progress in space examination. As we focus on the stars, India’s presence on the lunar scene keeps on sparkling brilliantly.
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